
  • Papers in international journals and conferences
    1. Daniel Pereira, Margarida Almeida, Margarida Facão, Armando N. Pinto, and Nuno A. Silva, "Probabilistic shaped 128-APSK CV-QKD transmission system over optical fibres", Optics Letters, vol. 47, pp. 4938 (2022)DOI: 10.1364/OL.456333.
    2. Manuel B. Santos, Ana C. Gomes, Armando N. Pinto, and Paulo Mateus, "Private Computation of Phylogenetic Trees based on Quantum Technologies", IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 38065 – 38088, (2021) . (Download)
    3. Maurício J. Ferreira, Nuno A. Silva, and Nelson J. Muga, "Quantum-Noise Based True Random Number Generation". Iberic Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) 20-22 June 2022, Aveiro, Portugal
    4. Margarida Almeida, Armando N. Pinto, and Nuno Silva, "CV-QKD Imperfections Impact on 6Shot-Noise Measurement". Iberic Meeting of Optics Students (IMOS) 20-22 June 2022, Aveiro, Portugal
  • Demonstrators
    1. Laboratory demonstration of the use of secure multiparty computation enable by quantum technologies to enable the private computation of a three-party phylogenetic tree:
  • ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Networks
    1. Armando N. Pinto, and Vicente Martín, "QKD combined with secure multiparty computation", ITU-T FG QIT4N D2.2: ​Quantum information technology for networks use cases: QKDN, Use case ID: UC-1-2 (2021).
    2. (Download)