Work Packages

QuGenome project starts on January 1st 2021 and is going to end on June 30st 2021. The project is composed by 5 work packages (WP):

  • WP1 Project Management
  • WP2 QOKD protocol implementation
    1. from quantum raw keys to quantum oblivious keys;
    2. laboratorial implementation of the QOKD protocol.
  • WP3 SMC service design and implementation
    1. service specification;
    2. genetic information database design and implementation.
  • WP4 SMC service design and implementation
    1. Garbled circuit design;
    2. design of software interfaces for the garbled circuits.
  • WP5 Use-case test and validation
    1. integration of all systems in the testbed;
    2. validation of the proposed solution.